Trees and Pronouns
We can now add pronouns and prepositions to our syntax tree(s).
Individual Activity
- Label pronouns P purple. It starts with
- Label prepositions PR. Color them pink.
- Put the first verb in the box on the upper right.
- to is a V if it is followed by a V. Otherwise, it is a Pr.
- a V never follows a D.
- a noun + apostrophe is a D.
Small Group Activity
Draw and label a tree for each sentence below. Color the trees if instructed.
1. Everyone should learn to fix engines. |
2. He won a trip to Europe. |
3. We all should ask for a raise. |
4. The oven has gone on the blink. |
Individual or Small Group Activity
Complete the exercise for at least one of these: Azores
Canary Islands