Lesser Verbs: -ing
We now turn our attention to words ending in -ing.

-ing Words as Verbs
If an –ing word comes right after a verb, it is usually a verb:
–ing verb: We will be running in the race tomorrow.
However, an –ing verb does not have to come right after a verb.
–ing verb: Running, Sylvia tripped and fell.
-ing Words as Nouns
If a determiner is in front of an –ing word, then it cannot be a verb. It probably is a noun.
–ing noun: The growling lion scared off the hyenas.
A determiner does not have to be present for an –ing word to be a noun:
–ing noun: The hyenas were afraid of growling lions.
Other words can come between the determiner and the noun to which it attaches:
–ing noun: The big, howling hyena kept us up all night.
Here, three words all attach to the noun, hyena:
The big, howling hyena kept us up all night.
The hyena
big hyena
howling hyena
| Then it usually is a verb. |
| Then it cannot be a verb. |
The Act of
As we have seen, verbs often act as nouns.
Another time that occurs is when we mean the act of. The example:
Parts of Speech
Darby loves running.
Darby loves (the act of) running.
If the word is an action, then the verb remains a verb:
Darby was running second.
Class Activity
Determine if the following –ing words are verbs or nouns.

1. The roaring lion warned all the savanna of his presence. |
2. We saw the volcano blow while we were flying to Seattle. |
3. Swimming upstream, the trout stopped for a Coke. |
4. The airline is investigating the accident. |
5. The news reported a sailing trip gone terribly wrong. |
6. Spiking the ball after a touchdown was something Todd loved to do. |
7. We are going to show you some photos from the flooding in Jamaica. |
8. After attacking Pearl Harbor, the Japanese headed to Midway Island. |
9. The deer stupidly stopped to smell the roses while it was running from hunters. |
10. George’s parasailing monkey was a big hit at the beach. |
11. The accidental shooting occurred at midnight. |
12. Pumping gas made Gerald feel like a servant toward his Corvette. |
Individual or Small Group Activity
Complete the following: Wales