You have learned eleven common determiners.
Her, What, Which, Whose
Small Group Activity
Fill in the blanks without looking up the answers. Skip the boxes with an X.
X | a |
my |
| your |
X | his |
| their |
___________ + apostrophe
Numbers + ____________
Other words are also determiners if they are attached to a noun. Four common ones:
her, what, which, whose
The words are determiners if they are attached to a noun. If not attached, they are pronouns.
Determiner | Attached | She asked me to do her homework. |
Pronoun | Not Attached | I asked her to the prom. |
Determiner | Attached | What homework do we have to do? |
Pronoun | Not Attached | I think I remember what he said. |
Determiner | Attached | Which house is yours? |
Pronoun | Not Attached | Do you know which is yours? |
Determiner | Attached | Whose car is this? |
Pronoun | Not Attached | Whose is this? |
Remembering the Determiners
There are 16 pawns in a chess game. We have identified 16 determiners:
a, an, the
my, our, your, every
his, its, their
noun + apostrophes
If attached to a noun:
her, what, which, whose
Sing the first ten determiners (to the tune of) “Three Blind Mice.”
Then SHOUT the last six.
Small Group Activity
Name the parts of speech in the following:
1. I will ask her what she wants for Christmas. (Be careful on this one!) |
2. She keeps asking me to do her homework. |
3. Which Roman emperor married his horse? |
4. Whose sailboat is docked on our pier? |
5. The Feldmans have 22 dogs. |

Individual or Small Group Activity
Complete the exercise: Switzerland