Advanced Tests for Adjectives

Advanced Tests for Adjectives

In an earlier lesson, you learned the test for adjectives:

Adjective = N + extremely

If a word you have not yet identified is associated with a noun and you can put extremely in front of it, then it’s an adjective. For example:

time machine

machine is a noun:  the machine

time is a noun: the time

time is not an adjective

Also, we cannot put extremely in front of it: extremely time    

hot sand

sand is a noun: the sand

hot is not a noun: the hot

we can put extremely in front of it: extremely hot

hot is an adjective                                    

Advanced Test 1:

Another test for adjectives is—

Adjectives = N + -st

Here, you have a word whose part of speech you haven’t identified. Then, instead of trying to add extremely in front of it, try to change the ending to -st.  If you can, it’s an adjective. For example:

The hot sand

The hottest sand

Hot is an adjective

However, the test does not always work:

The counterfeit money.

The counterfeitest

Counterfeit is an adjective, but the -st test does not work.

The money was extremely counterfeit.

Advanced Test 2:

Another test for adjectives is—

Adjectives = N + most

Here, you have a word whose part of speech you haven’t identified. Then, instead of trying to add extremely in front of it, you can add most in front of it.  For example:

The rapid heartbeat

The most rapid heartbeat

Rapid is an adjective

However, the test does not work if the word is a plural:

The rapids

Rapids is a noun.

Trees and Adjectives

In trees, adjectives occur with the noun they describe. We will color adjectives orange.  Adjectives are closely related to nouns, and orange is close to brown – the color of nouns.

The quiet kid near the back wall is funny.

Small Group Activity

Draw and label the parts of speech for the following:

    1. That happy hippo with the big dark eyes ate a hungry crocodile.
    2. My bumblebee hummingbird flies faster than Superman.
    3. I pray to God whenever my soul is weary.


Individual or Small Group Activity

Complete both exercises:     Bosnia


Optional Activity